Merry Christmas & Happy New Year!

K4AFX, K4ZHX, KO4EQK, kC4RLA, K4CDN, Zoe Belle and Milam (Janey & Carmella the doodles too)

Here’s the Update you didn’t ask for….

I hope this post finds you and yours well!
I know it’s been a while but thought I’d drop by to wish you a Very Merry Christmas! I’m certain that like us, these last few years have left you wondering…what’s next…

Many of you know that my bride, Carla, overcame a very grim cancer diagnosis in 2019-2020 and as you can see from the picture, she came out the other side absolutely healed and whole! Beyond crushing cancer, she also passed her Technician Exam and now is assigned kC4RLA! My eldest daughter passed as well and then upgraded to General, bolo for KO4EQK from time to time on HF! My 2 eldest sons have been licensed for more years than they have actually keyed a mic and been on the air-LOL (K4AFX & K4ZHX). We have 2 left in the house without their tickets, we’ll get them there soon enough!

Since shuttering the 360 show I’ve spent a little time podcasting other topics, but got busier around the home and salon during the Shutdown-so those shows went dark as well. Just this week I ordered a few mics for a potential start of a show with Carla co-hosting–We’ll see….I’ve had the album art and website completed for over a year now!

Not too long ago I put some thoughts down on paper and created a how-to guide for other families looking to enter the Ham Radio Hobby. It’s a very basic $0.99 Kindle e-book written from a Dad’s perspective on the ins’ and outs’ of making sure the reader has a good grasp on just how easy it can be to become a ham family. You know me, so I’m always looking for the potential of involving my kids-so, who knows-maybe we’ll kick off some media adventures with all of the Hams here in our house!? If you know someone making the easy questions harder than they should should be, consider sharing the book. It may be what they need to get motivated to study!

My local club (K4II) and I are in the midst of a tower take-down for a tower put-up here on the farm. After combing two towers, it’s looking like 110′-120′ will be where it lands with a vintage 7 element Log Peridoic to top it off! Yeah, I’m kinda excited by the prospects of getting on the air, way above my NVIS dipole!

Beyond that, we’re breeding Mini-Goldendoodle puppies, cutting hair, framing art, leading small-groups, and loving this life we’ve been blessed with! I really hope you’re doing well and would love to connect sometime! JS8Call has turned into my favorite mode of late, so look for me on 40m during the day (remember my shack is still up in the barn).

I appreciate your time then and now and hope you have a marvelous safe and healthy Holiday Season!

God Bless & 73 y’all
Cale (K4CDN)



My Family Friendly
Starter Guide….

 This book isn’t a “Study Guide” to help you pass the tests. The purpose of this book is to help you and your family gain an idea about what the Amateur Radio/Ham Radio hobby is and what part you and your family can play in it….

Shop the eBook »

Vintage Tees…..
Days Gone By

Yeah, Don’t Dream-It’s Over is still one of my favorite songs from the 1980’s and just like that amazing Crowded House song these vintage tees remind us of those better days ‘back when’ HR360 was crushing it. I have a few other sarcastic ham centric designs as well….

View the Tees »