Are you interested in entering the fascinating world of the Ham Radio hobby? Or perhaps you’re a parent looking to help your child gain a better understanding of this exciting pastime? Look no further than Ham Radio Home School, your ultimate guide to obtaining your FCC Amateur Radio License.
My name is Cale(b) Nelson, also known as K4CDN in the Ham Radio community. I’m a proud father of five homeschooled students, three of whom are also Ham Radio Operators. Over the years, I produced the successful Ham Radio 360 podcast, which helped thousands of people learn about the hobby alongside me.
After some harrowing circumstances in 2018, I stopped producing the show to focus on my family. Since then, we’ve recovered, and my wife Carla (kC4RLA), eldest son Eli (K4AFX), second-born son Luke (K4ZHX), and eldest daughter Mary Caidyn (KO4EQK) have all studied and passed their FCC Amateur Radio Exam.
With a wealth of knowledge and experience gained over the last ten years in the Ham Radio hobby, I decided that 2021 was the perfect time to create an e-book that could better serve families interested in obtaining their FCC Amateur Radio Licenses.
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Our Family Friendly Step by Step e-book for becoming a Ham Radio Operator.
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Cale(b) Nelson/K4CDN is the Founder and Executive Producer of HamRadio 360 the Podcast. His passion for the hobby and his dedication to sharing his knowledge and expertise with others have made him a valuable asset in the hobby. In addition to his podcast, Cale is also involved in various other aspects of the Ham Radio community. He is a member of several Ham Radio organizations and has participated in numerous contests and events. Cale(b) is also active on social media, where he shares his knowledge and expertise with others in the community.
Now is the perfect time to obtain your Ham Radio License! Are you ready to take the next step and enjoy a 20% discount? Visit Ham Radio Prep today and utilize the code HamRadio360 to begin your journey; you’ll receive a 20% discount on all courses! Ham Radio Prep guarantees that you will pass your exam on your first attempt or receive a full refund. 20% discount code: HamRadio360